Omnisexual Visibility Day
Happy Omnisexual Visibility Day!
Happy Omnisexual Visibility Day!
How can the experience of LGBTQ+ people in the workplace be improved? A brief overview of the policy context and of support for employers and employees.
A reflection on Intersex Awareness Day and Intersex Day of Solidarity with encouragement to learn more about intersex people and reach out to them.
An opportunity for us to celebrate all women and reach out to self-identifying lesbians, bi-women and trans (LBT+) in particular.
It's just gone midnight on The Transgender Day of Remembrance
There has been much talk about mental health issues during the lockdown but we need to be prepared the psychological fall-out when it ends
Coming out is hard at the best of times, let alone if you’re having to announce it to work collagues or your employer for that matter. In this article we look at coming out at work
Talk to the Rainbow is conitinuing care