After the lockdown
The current Government social isolation will end, we don’t know exactly when, but we know that the lockdown will end and we will return to a new, but different, normality. We also know that we are not going to forget this time as it is unprecedented in our lifetimes.
The impact of the ongoing lockdown on many are clear, a heightened sense of anxiety and depression, a spike in domestic abuse, a deep-felt sense of loneliness for some, and unresolved grief for so many families not having been able to say their goodbyes. Some of this is going to have a delayed reaction. The impact of social isolation or our own relationship with illness, of death, and of being unable to relate to those around us who we had been enforced to be in lockdown with.
For many, there has also been a renewed sense of communication and connectedness via digital forms of communication. By the simple acknowledgement of neighbours never acknowledged before, of saying hello in the streets. The rainbows on the windows, the clapping…many have found a new kind of more profound humanity, a rekindling off their real understanding of being, enforced by slowing down and being with oneself. We have to recognise the double-edged sword caused by the lack of contact with other humans, as we stand off from each other at 2m, unable to reach out and touch.
But coming out of this global crisis, which we will, we might want to take a moment to consider the consequences of all of this within ourselves and those around us. For some, it will be business as usual after. For others, a cause for joyous but perhaps bittersweet jubilation – a sense of freedom perhaps, and of a loss as we go back into our societal roles and continue to work etc...
We also must be mindful as we see from other parts of the world that there is the potential of its return and further restrictions and that this pandemic is going to be with us for longer than just the initial lockdown.
At Talk to the Rainbow, we have the skills to deal with the feelings associated with the fallout of the current crisis and those feelings commonly associated with Trauma. PTSD, largely in the public’s mind associated with accidents or war, apply equally here – for many this has been a deeply traumatic experience. Those facing a new reality of unemployment and loss of livelihood – a new world, a changed world. Potential grief caused by loss, put on hold, allowed to finally follow its imperfect course.
Marginalised communities such as the BAME and LGBTQ+ communities for which safety in numbers and contact to others has been their backbone will in many cases feel isolated and bewildered. We have however seen some fantastic community zoom/Facebook spaces being created to minimise the isolation.
We are mindful of Trans community, many of whom have had their medical transition process delayed. The aftereffects of this experience are manifold, and as therapists, we have a duty to plan for them.
We are also mindful of those in lockdown in families and relationships, where the lockdown brings clarity of their own reality, of being different and of not belonging, and of having to hold these feelings throughout the lockdown for fear of rejection. We know of people unable to come out and having to delay or halt their existence, We understand that the lockdown will not last forever.
And lastly, we are very aware for some this is just normal living, where you may have not been out before the lockdown for various reasons, and now the county and people are experiencing your reality. And we wonder if after this? If you would like to work with us and step out with the rest of the world in the new future..?
For the time being let’s hold on to those rainbows in the knowledge that Talk to the Rainbow and many therapists of all description are here to receive you when you feel the time is ready to explore those feeling and thoughts in a safe and empathetic relational environment.